About the FiT

The art of Bike fitting is to provide a cyclist with the positioning on a bike that balances efficiency, comfort and performance. The science is the understanding of how the body systems integrate to provide muscular power, endurance and postural sustainability in various riding circumstances. The art and science of the BikeFit is applied to achieve an ergonomically sustainable fitting experience without sacrificing performance. This strategy is applicable to cyclists of all levels and abilities, whether recreational or elite, and will optimize body-bike compatibility, while reducing the risk of overuse injury. Following each optimized BikeFiT, specific exercise guidance will be provided to address biomechanical faults, and tissue inflexibility.


Who benefits from a BikeFiT?

Recreational cyclists, mountain and road riders, commuters, elite racers and those with any discomfort when riding a bike.

Common cycling symptoms that necessitate a detailed BikeFiT include:

  • Hot foot/ numbness

  • Knee pain from tracking, overloading and muscle imbalance

  • Hip pain and weakness / anterior hip impingement

  • Low back pain / radiculopathy

  • Saddle soreness, blisters or numbness

  • Upper back & shoulder strain

  • Neck discomfort

  • Elbow / wrist compression syndromes

  • Hand / wrist pain or numbness